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Mensaje de Jeff Hawkins para PdaMexico/HispaPUG Mexico

“Dear Palm customers and enthusiasts in Mexico. Ricardo tells me you are having your annual meeting. He invited me to attend and I would have enjoyed it very much. Not only would I enjoy hearing about your experiences, but this year I started to learn Spanish and it would be fun to practice! Unfortunately I have other commitments so I cannot attend.

At Palm we love designing mobile computing products and nothing is more satisfying than people using and enjoying our products. I especially enjoy knowing that people all over the world, such as Mexico, find our products useful. I have believed for many years that mobile computing is the future of personal computing. I see no end in sight for ways we can improve our products and make them more useful. So although I cannot be there in person, I want to thank you for being customers and for sharing your enthusiasm. I hope you enjoy your annual meeting.

Best regards



Pueden Leer una entrevista que Ricardo le hizo a Jeff Hawkins / You can read an interview in:

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